Sunday, December 31, 2006

2006 Top Sites

Happy New year everybody. Year end seems like a good time to put together another "top X" list. So, this time I decided to pull the top 50. And here they are:

  1. The ChaliceBlog

  2. PeaceBang

  3. Boy in the Bands: Scott Wells on the practice of Christian faith

  4. Philocrites

  5. A Minister's Musings

  6. Yet Another Unitarian Universalist

  7. A Spiritual Walk Together

  8. The Happy Feminist

  9. Making Chutney

  10. PeaceBang's Beauty Tips For Ministers

  11. The Journey

  12. Media Nation

  13. it's all one thing


  15. Shadow of Diogenes

  16. Authentic Threads

  17. Errant Frogs

  18. The Wild Hunt

  19. ministrare

  20. RadicalHapa is Joseph Santos-Lyons

  21. Live from UU PLANET

  22. Sisyphus

  23. Jess's Journal

  24. Paul Wilczynski's Observations

  25. Sexuality and Religion: What's the Connection?

  26. Never Say Never To Your Traveling Self

  27. Elizabeth's Little Blog

  28. Ms. Kitty's Saloon and Road Show

  29. iMinister

  30. BiddiesInMyBrain

  31. Trivium

  32. debitage

  33. Unitarian Panentheist

  34. Returning . . .

  35. Red State Rebels

  36. Spirituality and Sunflowers

  37. Reignite

  38. Unity

  39. BiddiesInMyBrain

  40. Finding My UU Soul

  41. the Socinian

  42. Renewed Hope

  43. Reflections

  44. Root and Source

  45. the yes church

  46. UU Carnival

  47. The UU Enforcer

  48. The Ranting Rev

  49. Birthing Journey

  50. FUUSE

Some blog name changes and other factors might have moved the standings around a bit, for example if your blog name changed from "Arbitrary Name" to "" then the links over to your blog would have been split between 2 "different blogs". Also, this is a total over the year. if your blog is new then it is unlikely to reach the top.

How many people clicked through? Well for the folks at the top spots I sent over 2,000 "Unique Views" (as defined by Google Analytics) to each of those sites. For the sites at the low end it's a few hundred, and somewhere in between for everyone else.

Again, happy new year, and start thinking of those Blog Award nominations!

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Holiday Song

If, like others, you are looking for something fun and singable at a holiday celebration (yeah I know I am probably way too late on this, maybe next year) then I would recommend checking out Where is the light? by Peter Mayer. If my 3 year old can start singing "The light's inside of me" the day after hearing it for the first time then it seems to be a catchy and easy to remember tune. The five year old loves it as well. We had to play it 3 times in a row on the way home from rehearsing for the holiday play. It was wonderful.

Oh, I always thought that the phrase "If English was good enough for Jesus Christ, it's good enough for me." had to be Urban Legend. And I do see it referenced at snopes. I thought who could possibly not realize what they consider "normal" is actually a translation? After reading the UU Enforcer calling the German version of "Stille Nacht" the messed up version I guess people can be that silly.

Oh well, whatever you sing I hope you sing it with joy in your heart. Happy Holidays everybody!

Friday, December 22, 2006

Disappointed with Gmail

In general I have really been enjoying Gmail, but recently something has happened which really annoys me. Gmail has tagged some e-mails sent from UUpdates as spam. And, of course, they were not. I think a quick search has revealed the messages and now i am working my way through them. If you sent something along feel free to resend, but hopefully i will be responding shortly. If you do not see a response shortly please do send me a note again.

I don't see an option in Gmail to run a filter that says "if the message matches this criteria then under no circumstances put it in the spam filter". Anyone know how this can be done?