Thursday, September 03, 2009

Hosting Company Recommendations?

Anyone have suggestions for a good hosting company? My current hosting company has annoyed me for the last time. It is more than time to move on. Requirements include:
  • Would be nice if they were a "green" host. Run on wind power or some such.
  • Need at least 2-3 GB of bandwidth per month. Thousands of visitors and all the fetching traffic add up.
  • PHP/MySQL are absolute musts fewer the limitations on number of databases, etc. the better
  • Ability to host multiple domains
  • Cron support (or some scheduled task) is a must
  • SSH is a must
  • Ability to acces at least port 80 outbound from the server
  • 24x7 chat with Tech Support (for cases like now when they mess things up)
Anyone know anything about In my quick searches they looked good.


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