Saturday, January 06, 2007

Blog Awards

So, I am assuming, and hoping there is interest in running the UU blog awards this year? I took a quick look at some other blog awards and found that different groups had very different ways of running their awards. So, I couldn't really figure out a "best of practice" for running the awards.

One thing I did like is the idea of having a panel of judges. Last year I made some decisions and basically said things like "So... since an individual blog was nominated for best 'Group Blog' anyone mind if I simply throw out the nomination?". Having gotten no objections I proceeded with my best guess. A group of people deciding seems more appropriate.

One thing I would like to get some feedback on prior to any nominations is what people think of various categories.

Last years Awards:
  • Best Religious Writing or Theological Commentary - Single entry
  • Best Religious Writing or Theological Commentary - Best of class
  • Best Review or Cultural Commentary
  • Best Anecdote or Narrative - Single entry
  • Best Anecdote or Narrative - Best of class
  • Best Design or Use of Visuals
  • Best Links
  • Best Writing
  • Best Online Community or Group Blog
  • Best Non-UU-Themed Blog
  • Best UU-Themed Blog
Other suggested categories include:
  • Foreign language (though it would be hard to judge).
  • Best new blog?
  • Best political commentary?
  • Best minister blog?
  • Best lay blog?
One of the reasons I was thinking a panel of judges might be useful is to help with some suggested changes. For example CC suggested that it might be nice for a blogger to not have 5 different choices in a category for best post. So perhaps the blogger, or the panel, etc. could pick one nomination. Someone also suggested the number of nominations per category to limit the amount of material to read. We could do this based on number of nominations, but that would almost seem to be a "pre vote" making the final votes a run off. But maybe that's the idea.

Suggestions? Volunteers? Comments? Opinions?

Anyone care to right up a description of the Blog Categories?


  1. Anonymous6:24 PM

    I thought that last year's categories were pretty good, although there did seem to be quite a bit of overlap.

    I would say best ministerial blog would be a good one. Rather than best "lay" blog, maybe have best "seminarian" (I think we have a few of those) or "academic" (I think I'd fall into that category not seminarian). And maybe nix the "narrative / anecdote" and just say "personal."

    Then you'd have three groups of blogs?

    Just talking out loud. I'd say, though, that you ought to do what makes the process run best for you. Emailing individual bloggers also seems to get more response than just posting a "help me" (that's from experience). I think it's the same phenomenon as someone screaming for help on a crowded street--everyone thinks the *other* person is going to assist.

    Feel free to email me if you need specific help--I'll do my best.

  2. If nothing else I probably should have asked "are you interested" in a different thread than "any volunteers?". Fear of being asked to volunteer might have been a factor in not responding or not having strong feelings, or not understanding what i am looking for but being afraid to say "Hey UUpdater, could you write coherently?" I dunno.

    Actually I am going to take silence to be consent. I think I will press forward under the assumption folks seem to be happy as is.

    E-mailing is probably a good idea, but I also wanted to "publicly admin" the awards. this would avoid any "you should have asked me" or "I wish I had known". My plans are all out here for comment.
