Wednesday, January 25, 2006

UU Blog Awards Updated Jan. 25th 2006

I have updated the tallies for the UU blog award nominations. The results can be seen here.

Interesting notes from this this update:
  • Someone stuck "James fields BLOG !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" in the comment field, not sure what to do with that.
  • So far ChaliceChick is the most "written in" nomination, my guess is the nominators couldn't find " The ChaliceBlog" which is the offical name of the blog.
  • Language Games and Miscellaneous Arbitrary Marks managed to get nominated for "Best Online Community or Group Blog", "Best Non-UU-Themed Blog" and "Best UU-Themed Blog" not sure what, if anything, to do about that.
Please feel free to comment regarding anything related to the UU blog award process here.


  1. My kneejerk response:

    1. I'd call that a "Best Blog," nomination for Left Coast Unitarian.

    2. Thank you.

    3. Shrug. Consider them votes?


  2. I really appreciate this because once again I am introduced to a few more blogs. I will definitely have to check out Left Coast Unitarian.

  3. I have been introduced to some new blogs as well. As a result of the process "Red State Rebels" and another blog have been added to UUpdates. Awards are definitely a good way to promote the whole UU blogosphere.
