Saturday, March 25, 2006

Recommended Site

Every so often I get a recommendation to add a website to be tracked by UUpdates, the Unitarian Universalist Syndicated website tracker, that doesn't appear to be trackable (at least by standard RSS). I got another recomendation, and the person that recommended the site didn't leave an e-mail address so I thought I would mention it here. Most of the time even if the site can't be tracked it's still a worthwhile resource worthy of note.

So the site that was recommended is Starr King - if anyone could help locate an RSS feed for this site I would appreciate it. Otherwise please be sure to drop a note to the Starr King webmaster letting them know what a great thing RSS is and how it would benefit people to be able to track updates to their website.

There are many good RSS resources on the web, and UU resources like the Websters list for UU webmasters which can help get a webmaster on the way to syndicated their content.